Saturday, August 30, 2014

Effective Prayer [and why prayers go unanswered]

To The Creator [some call it “God”], the Big Bang never ended. From The Creator's point of view it is still happening and we are merely sparks flying around in the maelstrom. To The Creator there is no concept of linear time. This is why The Creator needed to enter It's creation—where time segments reality in to an infinity of moments. That's who we are—The Creator's eyes and ears. In order for The Creator to experience the wonder of It's own creation, The Creator become life.
Most prayers are uttered from the mind-set of a God as some entity living in an “above,” who, upon hearing the prayer, hopefully, will listen and summon up Godly powers to manifest the intent of this feeble plea. But, in reality, this individual, on bent knees, being an aspect of The Creator, is merely acting as a person praying—a person praying to something that doesn't exist. Like an actor playing the role of someone praying. The prayer will only be answered if the playwright wrote it that way. Thus the “prayer” is nothing more than words spoken to entertain a passive observer—an observer that puts it into the same context as a prayer scene in a Waltons episode.
Prayer that is done from the knowing that the one praying is also the power behind the prayer, has a chance of actually manifesting something. Prayer that is uttered from the Mind of The Creator via the human mind, is more like a command. It is more like The Creator willing something into being.
Another way to characterize the difference, is to notice the begging nature of the former style of prayer. Like a child supplicating favors from a parent. In the latter style, it's more like a declaration. To use the theater metaphor, it's an actual rewrite strait from the author.
Here are some examples of effective prayer:
I recognize myself as co-creator with all the power of The Creator, and from that knowing, I manifest so-and-so!
I know myself as co-creator, and through the oneness of all things, I know this for <person's name> that is in need of <whatever it is they need> and through this mutual knowing I see them as <being in a state of having whatever they need> and it is so because I will it so!
Sounds impertinent doesn't it? And a bit egocentric. But that's merely because of how we were raised. Because of the cultural meme that would have us humble ourselves and “know our place”. Well, this is knowing our place. This is being humble. Let me explain. Being humble doesn't mean being mediocre or constrained. It doesn't mean denying who you are, or what you are capable of. Humility comes after the deed. The humble person doesn't crow about their accomplishment or use it to induce admiration. It's not about the ego for a humble person. To put it succinctly: Humility is the lack of the desire to impress, not the lack of being impressive.
What you were told is misinformation. A falsehood perpetuated through generations by members of society too afraid to question or that didn't even know such a question existed. The truth is, you are a divine being. A co-creator. Whether you realize it or not, you are, right now, co-creating your reality. Why is it co-creation and not creation? Because, the Universe, as a whole, is being created by the The Creator. And you are co-creating your personal reality. The trick is to come into command of that personal reality. There is unconscious co-creation, driven by history and carnal concerns, and there is conscious co-creation, engaged in from the mind of Love and Joyful Expression.
And, truly, for this to really work, you must be connected to the moment—authentically ensconced in the energy of the desire. Full of the buzz and hum of the need. In short you must be connected to the pulse of life. This is what it means to be in the now. Every moment pulses with wonder. Live in this state and you will be a walking prayer! Live with your heart and mind wide open and all will be joyful and complete. From this state, you have merely to speak your truth, and you have said your prayers. From this state, desire becomes empathy and need becomes expression. You no longer desire, you serve. You no longer need, you share your passion!
Achieving, and then maintaining this state can be difficult. It requires going beyond fear—which typically means, rising above one's history. The body, with it's network of pain sensors, compels what I call, the ambient cringe. Most of us have a brain wired for leeriness. Once injured, the painful experience is cached in the brain and moment by moment, compared to sensory data in anticipation of the next bump or scrape. This part of the brain compels us to always be on the ready. Because of this, we hold our bodies in a perpetual cringe state as we walk around in life.
This can, and usually does, become so common that it feels normal. Even when one thinks they're relaxed, one probably is't fully relaxed.
If you are not feeling intense bliss in every inch of your body—if there isn't a roar of energy surging through your being—if you're not responding to every moment with joy and wonder—you're not fully relaxed.
In this state there's a clarity and sparkle in the mind and a lightness in the spirit. I often experience this during meditation. Occasionally I've carried it into daily life. One morning, after a powerful spiritual retreat, I was on a fairy, crossing the Strait of Georgia on my way to Vancouver, Canada. It was late winter and the sun was rising behind an icy sheet. The forty degree breeze had no effect on my mood or my body temperature as I gleefully, in nothing but khakis and shirt sleeves, pointed my camera at the stunning scenery.
In this state, one's demeanor is enough to charm creation to one's bidding. And, because this state is Love's wellspring, that bidding is nothing but the wiles of Joy and Sweetness.
Like they say, be careful what you ask for, you might get it. And, in fact, if you do get it, it was you doing the giving! So, no worries—if you don't like it, change it! And change it again. And, with practice, you will, without a hitch, get what you really want in life—for you—for your loved ones—and eventually for the other loved ones—all of humanity—all of life—throughout the Universe!

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