Love's Grand Exchange
I am a unique expression
in the Universe. From that Unique Expression, I send out my Energy
and it provides for the needs of others. The Universe Lovingly
guides that Energy to those who need it, because the Intent of Love
is that everyone's needs be met. In return, to fulfill my needs, the
Universe guides, to me, the Energy of the Unique Expression of
others. I accept my role in this grand Exchange of Energy in the
Marvelous, Miraculous Material play that is Life. I Willingly and
Lovingly give my good as I Willingly and Lovingly accept my good in
return. Thus my life is filled with Joy, Love, and Abundance!
I just finished reading Chapter 7, in the book titled The Law of Divine Compensation
by Marianne Williamson. The Chapter is titled Facing Our
Prejudice and it brought
me face-to-face with my own difficulties accepting the Capitalist
within me. That word has developed a negative connotation with me
over the years as I transform from a sub-radical Republican into a
peace loving Liberal. What I realized I needed to do was fully
embrace three things:- That I have worth and value and from that worth and value I have valuable and worthwhile gifts to share. And, in fact, those gifts are one-of-a-kind and are, indeed, priceless and in demand.
- That it is fully OK for me to receive compensation for those gifts.
- That it is all, really, an exchange of Energy, fully sanctioned by the Universe and in perfect alignment with Love's Intent.
Just like Communism and Socialism, Capitalism acquires it's bad name from the application, and not from the definition. Communism, in it's purest form, is merely a practice of sharing the wealth so everyone is cared for. Socialism, in it's purest form, is merely a practice of caring for everyone's well being. Capitalism, in it's purest form, is merely a practice of allowing everyone to share their gifts in a free exchange of commerce.
It's when greed influences the practice, that it gets ugly. Out of a fear consciousness, comes the kind of behavior that taints the process and sours the concept. It's from that souring that I formed my perceptions about Capitalism. But, when I see it in it's pure from, I realize it's in harmony with Love's Intent – that of a sharing of our unique gifts.
In the '80s I participated a weekly Movement Expression course in Santa Monica, CA. During one of the classes, the teacher had us all roam around the dance floor—just move however we were moved to move, not worrying about running into others, but just surrendering to spontaneity.
At first, we did run into each other, and stepped on each other, and generally participated in chaos. But, not long into the exercise, we began to sync-up. We began to move in a way that had our paths, and our movements, mesh with the paths and movements of everyone else. We became one harmonious dance organism.
I believe, in a perfect world, there would be no need for Communism or Socialism or Capitalism. In a perfect world, everyone would share their gifts 100% of the time, fully in the mind of Love's Intent. That kind of sharing would harmonize the world and all needs would be met in a grand synchronicity where people and things would show up right when they are needed.
But, as of yet, Earth does not host Heaven. A direct exchange of services is not, yet, practical. Money is required to fill the gaps. A service rendered here, nets cash which is applied for a service over there. But, it can still be a loving exchange, full of the integrity of divine intent—full of the heart of a sharing of spirit—full of the energy and passionate exhilaration of following one's true purpose.
The prayer at the beginning of this article came out of this. It came out of a realization that I desired to change my thinking. It helps me focus on the intent I would rather hold. It steers me in the direction I would rather go. It is my gift to you from the unique expression that I am.
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